The Physiology of Insulin: The Poison of Plenty

example of physiology of insulin


Physiology of Insulin

The importance of diet has been an obsession of popular culture for many decades. However, amidst the passionate arguments that each health guru brings to the table, people fail to ask a simple question: how does the body burn fat? For example, all the weight watchers advocate low calorie diets. But does the body know how to count calories? By digging deeper into the biology, we must determine exactly what “language” the body speaks. This quest ultimately leads us to the ultimate solution: the physiology of insulin. 

Food and Hormones: The Language of Life

In order to understand why this is the case, we must first understand how the body sends messages to different organs. In essence, what “language” does the body speak in? Well, let’s think about it: what makes you tired, hungry, or happy? The correct answer is melatonin, ghrelin, and dopamine, respectively. In short: hormones are the messengers that carry commands that tell your body to do things. So, what hormone is associated with eating food? The answer is insulin. We need to understand the physiology of insulin.

Why Insulin?

The physiology of insulin explains why this hormone is essential for fat gain and loss. Essentially, whenever insulin is high in the blood, our body is constantly sending the message “store fat, there is enough food”. In order to accomplish this, our bodies have insulin receptors that tell fat cells to stop releasing fat due. This makes sense since high insulin usually means lots of energy is already present in the blood. Thus, when lots of food is coming in through the mouth, insulin stops the body from accessing fat, saving it for times of famine. This understanding of the physiology of insulin leads us to another question: if energy storage is essential for life, what stops us from eating to the point of death? This question brings us to the next character in our metabolic performance: leptin.

Feeling Stuffed…with Leptin

If you are reading this, odds are that you have experienced the feeling of being stuffed. I am talking about the feeling you get after eating a ton of food, where just thinking of eating something else makes you nauseous. This feeling may actually stay with you throughout the day and maybe even the next morning! If the body is an energy monger, this is a shocking development. An organism that needs constant energy to fuel the brain has natural eating limitations. How does the body send us this long term signal? 

The answer is leptin. This hormone is released when fat cells expand, telling the body that it is getting too fat. Why does the body limit how much we eat? The answer is because being too fat is not a survival advantage. After a certain point, excess fat will slow you down and affect the rest of your body in a negative way. Leptin thus counters insulin by lowering appetite and reducing the amount of sugar in the blood since the organism will not eat. This implies that less insulin will be needed when leptin is active.  Taken together, these two hormones create a negative feedback loop that maintains the body weight through appetite.

Now…back to the original question: what is the issue with calorie counting? 

Biology Book Review 1: Good Reads

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A large portion of my knowledge in the realm of biology is thanks to informative literature.I have learned a lot about biology from books. In this biology book review, I will briefly highlight the 5 most influential books thus far:

Note: The links at the end of each review link to Amazon product pages. If you buy these products through my links, I get a small commission from Amazon (at no cost to you). 

How Habits Work: The Key to Change

how habits work feature

How Habits Work: The Neurology

Learning how habits work is important to understand both the history of humanity as well as your own life. Our brains create habits in order to reduce the effort it takes to accomplish repetitive tasks. Biologically, each action we take requires our brain to fire a nervous impulse. This impulse travels in a specific pattern between millions of neurons in order to generate a response. Naturally, this process requires a lot of energy to accomplish, pumping and releasing ions across a concentration gradient millions of times per signal is very costly. As a result, the body has an inbuilt machine that makes signals efficient: myelin.

Myelin is the key when discussing how habits work. This molecule is a fatty substance that is deposited on neurons in layers like an onion. The function of myelin is literally insulation of a biological wire. When someone does an action multiple times, like practicing a chord on a guitar or a dribble in soccer, the same pattern of nerves fire in the brain. As the nerves continue to fire, they attract helper cells known as oligodendrocytes which latch on to the firing fiber. Slowly, these cells secrete myelin and wrap it around the nerves that are firing. 

As the myelin build up over weeks, months, and years, the pattern of impulses needed to perform the action become more efficient. This is because the myelin stops ions from leaking out of the nerves and reduces the signal’s travel time. As a result, the action becomes more natural and the practiced skill becomes unconscious. Pro soccer players don’t think about how they are dribbling the ball, they have done it so much that they can spend their mental energy looking for open players while letting their body do the work.

This biological story is also the foundation for how habits work. By performing the same action over and over, like biting your nails or eating a late night snack, the pattern of neurons that form the action get triggered. This repeated triggering results in the myelination of those circuits in order to save energy and improve efficiency. Sadly, the oligodendrocytes that do the insulating cannot tell the difference between good and bad actions, only that something is getting triggered over and over and energy can be saved. Over time, this makes the habit unconscious until you don’t even realize it is happening.

But why do we feel compelled to do the same things over and over at the beginning? We don’t keep on biting our nails on purpose until it becomes a habit. In order to explain how habits work at the start of the cycle, we must learn the science behind the habit loop.