Second Book Review: Good Reads in Biology

Book Review: The Diabetes Code

The Diabetes Code by Jason Fung is a book that targets anyone who is interested in learning about the nature of diabetes. It covers topics similar to the ones covered in The Obesity Code but focuses on the effect of insulin and sugar on diabetics. Ultimately, he paints a picture of diabetes as a reversible condition that is entirely dependent on the balance between energy stored in sugar and processing of carbohydrates. 

In this book, Dr. Fung explains how eating too much sugar overfills your cells with sugar, poisoning them from within. He recommends drastic lifestyle changes involving eliminating sugar intake and incorporating extended fasting into daily routine. Both of these interventions result in a reduction of insulin levels, enabling the body to finally burn off the sugar crammed within its cells. 

If you or your loved ones are either suffering from diabetes or have eating habits that you fear lead down that path, this book is for you. It breaks down the biochemistry of diabetes into understandable chunks of information. He makes each step in the progression of diabetes clear and concise. I would also suggest reading this book if you want to learn more about metabolism after reading The Obesity Code, as there is some unique information in this book that is not present in the prequel. 

In conclusion, this book is very informative for those curious about modern lifestyle decisions and diseases associated with industrialization. I personally read this book before I read The Obesity Code but I recommend not doing that. This book is much better as a supplement to the prequel, although it does have significant standalone value. I would rate this book as an 8/10 for general audiences and a 9/10 for people interested in diabetes interventions. 

Here is an Amazon link (Audible/Hardcopy) to the book if you are interested in learning more.

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