How Habits Work: The Key to Change


It is obvious that humans learn best when subject to hard struggles. This is entirely due to the conditions in which we evolved. In the wild, learning was most useful in times of stress and danger to avoid death. This struggle is what contributed to the rise of human civilization and most innovations that followed. There is no way around the fact that we need to be put in uncomfortable situations to come up with solutions to the problem at hand. 

Learning how habits work is essential to understanding the effect of these evolutionary adaptation on modern life. We can take control of our lives using the knowledge of willpower and restructure how we live keystone habits. This knowledge may be one of the most profound discoveries of civilization since it empowers each individual to do great things. However, it also empowers other people to exploit our genetics, making it an even more important topic to teach.

Next time you see someone struggling with any problem, from math class to relationship issues, tell them about the habit loop and how learning works. If they change their ways, praise them for their effort instead of their result. This will show them that you understand the struggle of the journey. After all, the journey of self improvement is what makes us all human. 

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